This is a bold statement, but Violet Cold should be the next big black metal act. With the post-black metal craze still going somewhat and bands like Ghost Bath and Deafheaven pushing the gendre’s ironic boundaries, it’s only logical for bands of this style to come forward with something different. Yet that rarely ever happens. Violet Cold’s Anomie seems to be the peak of that, though. While albums like Sunbather and Moonlover are definitely influential on modern black metal bands, Violent Cold goes the extra mile are even draws from the likes of Panopticon and Saor to compose post-black metal that’s refreshing and might be telling everyone to get their act together.

It’s no secret that we enjoy Marvel’s Netflix series. While their films are in their own right great, the Netflix series (For me, at least) captures what I love most about the concept of superheroes. Since the initial announcement of the Marvel-Netflix deal, every season released has been building up to The Defenders, in which the Netflix heroes team up and fight a threat bigger than any of them individually. Finally, it seems we’re getting close.

It seems like forever since the last Dimmu Borgir album. While Abrahadabra was not the best received by the fans, it still helped Dimmu Borgir become the powerhouse of a symphonic black metal act they are known for being. Its been five years now and the band has been working on a supposed follow up album for some time now. Breaking the silence momentarily, Dimmu Borgir are now releasing an album to help tide fans over.

Y’know, I have this thing with music where I want to hear something fresh and adventurous. Not like the new Suicide Silence where they just aped another band’s sound and an aesthetic from twenty years ago, but where bands evolve their sound in a mindful and interesting way that abide by no rules but their own. Poland’s Disperse do exactly that and have only the boundaries they set themselves. With their third studio album, Foreword, Disperse are experiencing musical freedom to the fullest.

Well crafted blackened thrash metal may not be hard to come by, but a band that’s engaging and writes plenty of diverse material is a rarity. As with most of these bands, you’re obviously going to get the Skeletonwitch or Toxic Holocaust comparison, but oftentimes a band will craft their identity to differ themselves from the larger bands in their respective styles. Of course, it doesn’t help that black metal and thrash metal have mountains and mountains of these cookie-cutter bands, so what’s stopping blackened thrash bands from doing this same exact thing and falling into line?

Now streaming “A Corpse At Every Funeral,” an instrumental track hailing from Dendritic, the collaborative album between New York solo outfits GRIDFAILURE & MEGALOPHOBE. The new single features trumpet by Mac Gollehon, who has performed on records by David Bowie, Miles Davis, Blondie, Onyx, Duran Duran, Madonna, and countless others.