Following the hit series SILVER SURFER: REBIRTH, Ron Marz and Ron Lim will reunite on for another galaxy-spanning limited series, WARLOCK: REBIRTH! The two superstar comics creators, known for shaping the cosmic corner of the Marvel Universe as we know it, will revisit the thrilling saga of Adam Warlock. The ever-fascinating and mega-powerful super hero is set have all comic fans talking in 2023, and this new series will be a must-have for fans and a perfect entry point into the character’s rich history for newcomers. Set in the character’s early days, this pivotal chapter will explore Adam Warlock’s origin in astounding new ways and introduce a new character that will forever impact his legacy!
Adam Warlock was created to be the perfect human specimen. Since then, Adam has gone on to be a cosmic savior, defending the galaxy from the likes of Thanos, the Universal Church of Truth and the Magus. But what will happen when the next evolution of Warlock emerges? Someone who is stronger, faster and smarter than Adam?
“Ron and I had such a great time on our Surfer series, accepting the invitation to come back and do more was a no-brainer,” Marz said. “The cosmic end of the Marvel Universe is a wonderful playground, and we’ve got some great toys, including Gamora and Pip and Doctor Strange. There are definitely some sequel threads to what we did in Silver Surfer: Rebirth, but we’re making sure this Warlock series stands on its own. Who knows, maybe a shiny guy on a surfboard will show up too.”
Don’t miss this untold story of Adam Warlock and the Infinity Watch when WARLOCK: REBIRTH arrives in April! For more information, visit
Written by RON MARZ
Art and Cover by RON LIM
On Sale June 2023