Due to the massive success and positive feedback following the self-released premiere of Episode 1 from the thrilling new horror anthology series “Welcome To Daisyland,” the subscription based horror streaming platform Screambox TV has officially signed on to air the series in its entirety beginning Wednesday, April 3. The series will air on Screambox uncut, uncensored and commercial free.
Watch all episodes here: https://www.screambox.com/welcome-to-daisyland
Developed by Spitfire Music, the new horror anthology series enlists the Australian-American hard rock collective THE DEAD DAISIES to provide the music and orchestration for the series, furthering their stance that rock music is indeed alive and well. “With fewer music based platforms playing rock music each year, and taking our love of hard rock and horror into account, we decided to create our own. Streaming services are the delivery systems of the future so stay tuned for Welcome to Daisyland,” states David Edwards from Spitfire Music.