It was in the first few moments of “Beyond Death” that I thought “Hey, this vocalist sounds like the guy from Cloak.” Surprisingly, I was right. Before Cloak debuted their album last year, guitarist/vocalist Scott Taysom was a part of Haunting, a lawless and short-lived death metal group in Atlanta, Georgia. Only releasing a single demo, Sealed Shut, the band made their sound very clear in four tracks, clocking in just over 11 minutes. Though defunct, Haunting are getting some post-mortem love from Boris Records.
Adding in a new intro track, the vinyl re-release of Sealed Shut gives serious Summoning/Deathcrush-era Mayhem vibes. Think “Silvester Anfang” as it goes into the title track. Carving out four unique and relentless tracks, Haunting really had something going for it while trying to make their own style in death metal. “In the Mist” has a punk-inspired drum beat to it that helps differentiate it plenty, while the closing track, “Buried in Misery” ushers in a powerful outro to a shortly lived project that never got the attention it deserves. There’s some good stuff here, and it would have been great to see where the band would have went after this demo.
All said and done, the vinyl pressing of Haunting’s demo will be available on May 8th of this year. You can stream “Beyond Death” below.