The third installment of the Wolverine movie franchise comes to us in March, but director James Mangold has released the title of the film and a picture and both seem to confirm what everyone already knew…This film will be based on the Marvel Epic story “Old Man Logan”
The title of the movie is simply “Logan” and Mangold has released a teaser page from the script of what to expect from the film….
“Basically, if you’re on the make for a hyper choreographed, gravity defying, city-block destroying CG f–kathon, this ain’t your movie,” the script reads. “In this flick, people get hurt or killed when shit falls on them. They will get just as hurt or just as killed if they get hit with something big and heavy, like, say, a car. Should anyone in our story have the misfortune to fall off a roof or out a window, they won’t bounce. They will die.”
“As for our hero, well, he’s older now and it’s clear his abilities aren’t what they once were. He’s fading on the inside and his diminished healing factor keeps him in a constant state of chronic pain — hence, booze as a painkiller.”
Logan, starring Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart comes to theaters March 2017.