» Blog Archive Concert Etiquette: Hearing Protection -
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HearingSomething a little less vehement, but no less important, when going to a concert, no matter how small, always bring your damn hearing protection!

Having just been destroyed by It Takes Guts in Houston, and Cancer Bats in Amarillo, last week, the importance of protecting what you can’t get back keeps getting hammered into me, because I keep forgetting them. That annoying ringing for days afterwards? THat’s your ear actually giving off a sound due to not being able to repair itself, referred to as Tinnitus.

Why is this important? Know what the world sounds like with really good earplugs in? THat muddy sound, that takes all the edge out of the world, where you really have to struggle with what’s being said, losing perception of what’s going on around you because you simply can’t hear it? Imagine that all day, everyday. It would take a whole lot of fun out of the world, especially if you can’t hear loved ones, or things around you. Or if you’re a musician or artist, what if you couldn’t tune you gear properly, or lost the ability to determine correct pitch and tone? yeah, that’s going to be awesome.for regular people, asking everyone to repeat themselves multiple times, especially in younger people, just sucks. I know, I have done it a bit, because I have lost some of my hearing already, due to concerts, shooting without cans (ear protection, or suppressors, depending on your speed), and cranking my sweet radio in the truck. It. Sucks. Dick.

I like hearing stuff, that’s how I fix some things, communicate, play guitar, tune the guitar, and generally keep aware of what shit is going on around me. And like I have said, I frequently forget my plugs, and dammit if I don’t when a band is going to be excruciatingly loud on that particular night. A few bands have been so bad I can only hear the instrumetn I am in front of, drowning out the rest of the band.

And if you think I mean those huge ear pros like drag racer/old school shooters/or the really weird wear, technology has advanced a wee bit. We now have active cans that allow you to hear sounds below a certain decibel limit, keeping you in the OSHA scale for hearing safety.

THink only loud things are loud? The list is pretty surprising, when you look up detailed ones

THink only loud things are loud? The list is pretty surprising, when you look up detailed ones. M stands for METERS

So, what can you do? VERY SIMPLE STUPID. Buy something that is going to protect your ears. Like what? well, depending on preference, there are in ear, over ear, and around ear styles, much like those offered for headphones (which you should also keep to a lower level, as they can right fuck you up too!). Here are some links to some good, inexpensive ideas:

In ear:


Around Ear (active):


Over Ear:

To keep the quality high, whether out and about, or enjoying King Diamond, please protect yourself to the best of your ability and budget! Metal is for life, so keep your hearing for life!

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