» Blog Archive Album Review: Lightning at the Door by All Them Witches -
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All Them Witches 3Oh All Them Witches, how you continue to amaze me! This last month, All Them Witches dropped a spectacular new slab of their psychedelta blues upon our ears, title Lightning at the Door, and it covers ground at a pace matched only by the Flash! *Warning: the following review may contain music that will send you into a relaxed headspace.*

Lightning at the Door is simply a masterpiece, both in sound and overall technicality of the album and band. They can seamlessly blend a very simple blues sound and style with a very fuzzed out doom sound, all the while keeping the southern groove alive in their stuff. Thanks very much in part to their percussive section, their songs tend to stick in the listeners well after the album leaves that last not hanging like a fog in the air. Its a sound many bands would kill for, and ATW seems to simply improve and add to it as they go.

Overall, the album follows what Our Mother Electricity lays down, and doesn’t really adhere to an overall sound. Its groove and riff and fuzz. This album does differ, however, in that two songs bookend the middle: Marriage of Coyote Woman and Death of Coyote Woman; as well as it has a loose theme, of what seems to be folklore related ideas. The sound, only seeks to cement their roots, that listed as Psychedelta Blues, and only changes for the second to last song, Romany Dagger, which an amazing instrumental that sounds like something you would dance to under a full moon.

The album is now a staple in my rotation, no matter what mood I am in, and I can now sing along to almost everything they have. It becomes a part of you, and a part you never knew you were missing. Check All Them Witches out where fine music is sold, or at Bandcamp, iTunes, and Amazon.

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