» Blog Archive Album Review: Truckfighters/Witchrider split -
Hunter Young Hard Music, News

Fuzzsplit 1So, recently, splits have become one of my new favorite album styles from bands. You have two or more bands who just throw something cool or different, with another of the same or completely off the wall, together, and it becomes a unique monster. The new release from stoner/doom rock stalwarts Truckfighters and Witchrider, The Return of the Fuzzsplit, Vol.1, is a bad little ride down some backroads, pedal to the floor, and beers rodeo cold in the back seat! More after the Jump!

The first track, Dig You Down, is probably on of the most solid rock tracks this year, utilizing that trade mark Fuzz and Wah that TF throws around like confetti on New Years. Th esong is awesome, catchy, and gritty, so perfect to romance all those ladies at the bar with! And if not, well it’s perfect to cruise to! Its great accompaniment to almost any fun activity, and a very good entry to their already heavy discography.

The second track, Far From You, is a pretty sweet foray into what Witchrider is all about, which is that dirty, nasty, overgained fuzzy rock. Another backroad burner, this song is a bit more grungy on vocals, but in that good, wholesome, American way. Excellent second side finish from a stellar band.

If you’re looking for some sweet additions to your rock arsenal, give this split a chance. You’ll thank me when you wake up from that warmed up beer haze in the morning.

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