» Blog Archive Band Spotlight: All Them Witches -
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All Them WitchesRecently, I have been on a non-traditional metal kick, and have seen some amazing bands. One such forerunner is All Them Witches, an american band out of Nashville Tennessee, who list themselves as Psychedelta Blues, and which could also be described as non-trad Doom with Ozark Mountain Blues threaded in. The band itself is a four piece, who use guitar, bass, drum, and occasional piano/organ to create an amazingly complex sound that is just filled with emotion and depth.

All Them Witches 2The album I started with was the debut, Our Mother Electricity, which is almost perfect. Almost, only because its not just slightly heavier, but it gets any job done. The album is complex, song-wise, as it goes from just a heavy blues/rock sound (Heavy/Like a Witch), to an American Folk song (Family Song for the Leaving), which I do not know if its a real one or not, and just good old sounding heavy groove (Until it Unwinds, The Urn). The album is incredibly good, with great production, excellent playing levels from the band, and a singer who can capture it all from the word GO. The album plays like classic rock, but with a jittery energy under the surface, and will have your brain echoing the notes long after it has finished.

All Them Witches has a few albums out at this point, including the Effervescent EP, Our Mother Electricity, Born Under a Bad Sign, Extra Pleasant EP, and (unreleased at the time of this writing) Lightning at the Door, which has a preview track over on iTunes when you buy the album. The track is titled Charles William, and is another excellent execution in psychedelta blues from the group. I highly recommend checking All Them Witches out if you want to listen to something a bit different, heavy, and showing a lot of experience gained from Our Mother Electricity. Its an extremely full and matured sound offered on Lightning at the Door, and bodes extremely well for the future of ATW.

Find them on iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, Facebook, and their own damn site.

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