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There is trouble in paradise today in the world of DC Comics. The Authors of the recently released New 52’s Batwoman line have packed their bags and said goodbye after their heroine was not allowed to be wed. However, it is not an over protective father that is keeping her holy matrimony from occurring, it’s the scandal behind her lesbian relationship and the bad press that DC Comics feels that they will encounter if they put her only wish through to their pages. DC Comics put the breaks on the Jewish, lesbian heroine earlier this week. Upon hearing the news of bigotry J.H Williams and W. Haden Blackman, two of the originally founding authors of the series have walked from the project. “We’re both heartbroken over leaving, but we feel strongly that you all deserve stories that push the character and the series forward. We can’t reliably do out best work if our plans are scrapped at the last minute, we’re stepping aside.” Stated the co-authors on Wednesday night. The pair went on to say that DC had thrown out a lot of their editorial choices, and “most crushingly, prohibited ever showing Kate (Batwoman) and Maggie actually getting married.” The authors will be finished with the company in December after 3 years of working on this project and making Kate Kane one of the most highly spoken about and coming of times characters to hit pages of comics in years. The line has one a plethora of awards. It also stands almost alone as the one of the select few comics to display an openly gay relationship. Recently Archie Comics had featured the well loved characters first gay kiss a couple months ago paving the way for more traditional companies to put down the barriers and get with the times. However, clearly DC is not following in their tracks. Further more this lack of attention to the times pegs a more simple question, who will replace the duo that put Ms. Kane on the map? There has been no announcements made of who will proceed the swiftly leaving authors nor has DC publicly spoken about their mishaps on their lack of dedication to the LGBT community. DC has got a lot of angry fans that they have to answer to, and it better be soon, because I smell an uprising coming.

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