» Blog Archive Age of Ultron is Over, Thank God. -
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In the wake of this line springing upon us, it’s over, technically. Although Age of Ultron #10 alludes that it will be continuing with a mass battle looming the line itself is done. The anticlimactic nature of this hyped up book was a flop in critics and fans eyes. Way to go Bendis, keep your hands out of things we love next time. Marvel has been notorious for hyping up books that are coming out and having them be less than satisfactory as of late. People will obviously still purchase them, for the lore of superheroes is undeniably addictive. However, why go through all the trouble of gathering up excitement when there is going to be no delivery of a proper climax? In this fashion Age of Ultron #10 had one of the biggest let down endings in recent comic history. So many different sub plots were completely pushed to the side and forgotten about, such as Nick Fury heading a calvary of Avengers to meet face to face with Ultron in #6. This never came into play and never mentioned. This ritual of subplot formation and lack of execution is ridiculous. This particular comic line could and should have been five issues in length. This entire comic line seemed more focused on past events than it did on an empire of destruction that it promised. Granted seeing alternate universe battles between Iron Man and Morgana le Fey was pretty fantastic and even Hank Pym’s Heroic-age plot was fun to read. All of this aside, this was still a massive disappointment. Every panel seems less and less like a story line and more like just one giant teaser ad for a new line coming soon to a comic shop near you. Between these sequences and the multiple pages reprinted from Avengers #12.1, I don’t understand how anyone would pay almost $4 for this comic. The actual Ultron conflict is dismissed by the end. The focus is all about the next wave of events and tie-ins. If this is what lies in the future of comics, please count me out. There is a massive lack of consistency and plots are being forgotten. I’ve got news for you guys, if you forget about the plots in your books, you can also forget about your fans.

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