Whedon has announced that Tom Hiddeston who plays Loki will not be in the sequel of Avengers. He made this announcement on Empire Podcast earlier this week. “I’ve turned in a first draft, but the story is very set. Everybody’s very much on board with the exact movie I’m trying to make which is what worked the first time,” said Whedon. “Immitating what I did before is the surest way to do it not as well. Second of all, and Loki is not there to say those terrible things.”This isn’t a surprise. There would be no reason to feature the same villain that was featured in the first film. However, there are many story lines in which Loki is a key player in Thanos story lines. Leaving him out of this film opens up a whirl wind of opportunities for other galactic hooligans to surface and put together the pieces of evil along side of Thanos. I’m very excited to see what happens here.