» Blog Archive Square Enix at PAXEast2013 -
Amanda Harvey Gaming, News, Reviews

Square Enix has undoubtedly created some of the most aesthetically pleasing and lovable interactive games of all time. With titles that hold places in the hearts gamers including Tomb Raider, the Final Fantasy’s, and Hitman how could you not hold this company in the highest regard? During a press appointment, only demo visit Metal Machine got hands-on with some of the new titles that are being remade, remastered, and reinvented into something that will blow the minds of fans.
The first demo I picked up was Deus Ex: Human Revolution. This classic remade for…. wait for it…. the WiiU. WHAT!? I know this may sound crazy, however, if you think about it it makes perfect sense. With a duel screen projecting your tool belt and statistics the console makes for a fantastic experience. The game ran so smoothly, and as far as a transitional third and first-person shooter it was engaging. I’m extremely excited about the alpha of this game to be released.

The second title was not a hands-on demo, but a viewing of the remastered Kingdom Hearts Remix. This also is switching systems upon release and has been reformatted for the Playstation 3. I can tell you a couple things about this game. First of all, I love Kingdom Hearts. Mainly because I adore Final Fantasy, and who doesn’t love Disney. There were a lot of kinks in gameplay, especially the camera angles and the disability to skip cut scenes. Let me assure you that all of these issues have been fixed and the game looks BEAUTIFUL. Blu-ray quality and a release of all three titles on one disc for under $50, this is an absolute must buy upon release.
And the third was Saints Row IV. I cannot stress enough to you that if you are a fan of the previous games how much you will not be disappointed by this game. Information is very limited, and extremely hush hush, but know that this will be a contender for game of the year.
There’s a lot of great things coming out on the horizon. Be sure to check it all out.

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