» Blog Archive Triple Threat Tour in Clifton Park, NY -

Upstate Concert Hall in Clifton Park, NY was packed full on Tuesday night for Seether’s Triple Threat Tour. The alternative rock trio scouted out other three-piece rock acts to fill the opening slots. Australia’s Sick Puppies, London’s Young Guns, and our home country US boys in Kyng were all recruited.

The tour kicked off with Young Guns, newcomers to the United States. I never would have been able to guess that these guys had only a mere handful of US shows under their belts. They took the challenge of warming up those that arrived early on the miserably wet Tuesday evening.

Kyng followed, bringing a heavier sound to the tour. The band was formed as a final effort to be successful in the music industry. Following years of playing in unsigned bands with members that weren’t serious about it, Kyng was born. Soon afterwards they quit their day jobs and ended up with a record deal and a national tour opening for Seether. They deserve every bit of success they get. The fact that these guys weren’t discovered sooner baffles me. They amped up the crowd with their heavy riffs and energetic vocals, leaving us eager for more rock before Sick Puppies would hit the stage.

Australia’s Sick Puppies opened with bass driven track ‘Cancer’ off of their 2007 debut, Dressed Up As Life. The rock continued with a hit filled set list, including ‘War’ and ‘Going Down’ as well as the song that made the band with a YouTube sensation for ‘All the Same’. Lead singer Shim Moore proved that he could get the crowd going even while attached to his guitar. “I don’t know how to do it any other way. It’s what I know, and it’s how we’ve always done it. It’s pretty rare in rock music these days.” Their set was far too short; no one could complain too much though—headliners Seether were set to take the stage next.

Seether’s stage fit with the theme of their latest release, Holding Onto Strings Better Left to Fray, with mic. stands wrapped in fraying ropes, and of course their usual out of season Christmas lights. They opened with ‘No Jesus Christ’. The track, from 2009’s Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces plays like a story, beginning as a light ballad and continuing on with intricate guitar and drum solos, a chorus reminiscent of modern heavy metal, and verses straight from the 90’s grunge scene. They transition between each song with instrumental improvisation. The random blur of notes became their hit ‘Gasoline’. Within seconds crowd surfers began flying forwards and mosh pits broke out, continuing nonstop until the end of the night. Seether showed their diversity and growth as a band over the years with their varied set list. An acoustic version of ‘Broken’, sans Amy Lee was a pleasant surprise, sounding even better than the album version with Shaun’s raspy and heartfelt vocals.

Seether’s idea to bring out trios and show that they can still rock without a lead guitar proved to be successful. Every band gave it their all and put on an awesome show. The Triple Threat Tour will be one to watch out for as it makes its way across the country. Check out photos from the show as well as an exclusive interview with Sick Puppies below:

[youtube width=”550″ height=”424″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLJC0q9Kkz0&feature=share&list=UUM7VjM5o_biNEKA7noCXHNQ[/youtube]

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