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 AOL’s Moviefone editors had an exclusive with Robert DeNiro to discuss the “The Irishman”, possible “Good Shepherd” sequel and another “Midnight Run”. Moviefone touched on these topics and others while chatting with the legendary actor.


Will we see you back directing anytime soon?
I’ve been talking with Eric [Roth] for a long time about doing a sequel to ‘The Good Shepherd’ where it would cover ’61 with the Bay of Pigs and the Berlin Wall going up to ’89 with the Wall coming down, that period of time. And if I wanted to do another one, it would be from the Wall coming down to the present.

God knows if that will happen. But I would really love to do that.


If there was one role from your career you could reprise again, which one would it be?
Because I didn’t like how I did it the first time? [laughs]

Well, I was thinking more because you liked doing it so much that you’d want to play that character again?
Well, we’re talking about doing another ‘Midnight Run,’ and that was a character that I liked a lot. They’re working on it, and that’s something that I would have fun doing.

Would Charles Grodin come back, too?
I don’t know, I think it would be his son is in trouble, and now I’m doing him this favor to get his son out of trouble.

And I think it was 10 or 15 years ago I asked Marty and Paul Schrader if they’d want to explore the idea of where Travis Bickle would be today. I think Paul may have even written a script or a treatment, but we didn’t get excited enough. That’s one I always felt would be interesting to go back and play.



The read the full version of the Moviefone exlcusive visit:  http://blog.moviefone.com/2011/03/14/robert-de-niro-interview-irishman-good-shepherd-sequel/

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